Inspo for my film openings!

 For this genre, mystery/crime i will be choosing three film openings from my genre and explaining what i like from their openings and why. 

#1                                                                Gone girl (2014)                                                                                                           


The opening film for Gone Girl contains a variety of mysterious and crime related words in it. The opening scene is a woman laying down on a mans chest with ominous music playing in the background. The man speaks with a serious tone saying violent things in a calm voice. He says he wonders what they did to each other and that he's trying to get answers. This adds a sense of mystery on what is going on and then after that a lonely town and then a man by himself staring at the world in front him. This adds a feeling of curiosity all around. 

#2                                                               Shutter island (2010)

The film opening for shutter island behinds with the title in faded words companied by strange music playing. The scene then skips to a man on a boat who seems to be sea sick. He appears not to be well and ominous music keeps playing. He then says his wife is dead and scenes of her appear on the screen with ominous music still playing and with no reason as to why they are on a boat in the middle of the ocean.

#3                                                            Murder Mystery 2 (2023)

The film opening for Murder Mystery begins with introducing Nick and Audrey Spitz on a train, followed by a voiceover of a man speaking about the crime cases they have investigated accompanied with clips and scenes from the previous cased which allows character background. The narrator explains what job they do and how hard the challenges they faced, have been. Throughout the film opening its very bright and eventful which helps keep the audience engaged and entertained.


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