Today was my second group meeting for my project, I worked with Michael, Matias, Peyton, and lee.
We all shared out blogs with each other as well as ideas for our film opening and tips with fonts for the title and credits.

To start off, Lee was super helpful with explaining how to use the adobe app, as well as sharing notes with me about the CCR because I wasn’t here for the lesson. She shared various notes with me and offered me help if i had any questions and I really appreciated that .I’m glad to be in an environment where other students around me offer their help or guidance. Then, Peyton shared her film opening idea and i really liked it, it had a lot of meaning to it and it sounded really interesting. Michael, who I worked with in my first group meeting too, let us know that we should make sure if we use music on our film openings, to keep it at a low volume so it doesn’t take over the original and I’m glad he said that cause I was thinking about having the volume of the music all the way up completely. To add on, Matias tried his best to help me download a video to my blog because it wasn’t working and he explained different way that I could do it. We all then shared who were working with and Lee explained how she’s working with a large group and Michael and Matias are working alone but Michael and his brother are going to help each other with filming and Matias is gonna get help from his sister in his filming too.
I explain to my group the costuming i have in my film and they thought it was really cool. For example i told them how me and my group purchased a hazmat suit and crime scene markers which is a two sided standing plastic number which is used in crime scenes to mark where evidence is.
Here is an example below:
Overall, sharing my ideas and receiving ideas and help from other students was really great. I feel like my group was very honest and pure and gave lots of kindness and i felt comfortable sharing my thoughts with them. I really liked this activity!
See you next time.
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