Blog Posting - Music Marketing #1

My group and I were assigned a music genre for our Music marketing project. We were assigned alternative as our genre and got a choice of four songs to pick from. We chose a song that stood out to us in particular because of the wording used. It seemed like an interesting song to do the project on and the song is also good and enjoyable. Me and my group researched many things about alternative genre such as colors, themes, movements, tones, designs, artists, marketing tactics, and other things. When I completed my research I ended up learning a lot about the band called Imagine Dragons. Their band taught me the different tones and themes this genre can have and it opened my mind more especially on the messages brought from the songs. 

When planning the process of the music marketing project, me and my group both agreed the right route was do the marketing similar to how other bands do it who are popular. I learned a lot about the band i more attentively researched, Imagine dragons. I learned a lot of history of the people who were members of the band as well as when the band was started and developed into a more high fame musical group. 

Me and my group agreed to meet up today at the library to finish planning outfits, settings, angles and shots for our video and I’m excited for the results.


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