Group Meeting 1!
It is now week 3 of working on my project and I had a group meeting with different students in my class. We all shared our ideas of our film openings and also gave feedback to each other on our opinions and advice.
My group was Maximiliano, Macenla, Natalia, and Michael. I shared my idea first and they all listened and nodded their heads allowing me to know I’m being heard and understood, when i was done sharing my idea they told me they really liked my ideas for the film openings and gave me advice with the clothing for my characters as well as tips on how to make the cross-cutting, that im including in my film opening, to be noticeable and apparent. I jotted down notes on all the feedback I received and then Max shared his film opening. He has his film opening setting planned out as well as motive on what he want the story to be like, he also catches up with his blogs and has clear understandable work. His film opening will take place in a forest looking area, with a character who wakes up there, confused, lost, and scared. I gave him advice on lighting for his film since it takes place in the night as well as ideas for foley sounds of sounds you would hear un a forest. The other group members also gave advice with new ideas and things to add or take out.
Then, Macenla explained her film opening on coming of age. I really liked her idea I thought it was really interesting and different form any idea id think of. I gave her ideas on how to make certain scenes more clear and Max gave her ideas of Music for the film openings. The film opening begins with a couple in a car driving on the road with music blasting. Then, another character standing on the side of the road is in story is shown, and the boyfriend in the car throws something out the car and it hits the character on the side of the road. The girlfriend in the car sticks her head out the car and screams “sorry!” to the character on the side of the row and a different, maybe stronger connection is presented between the two characters. After hearing Macenlas idea we moved onto Natalia and Michaels idea which were both great. Natalias included Murder with a story on a couple with troubles and mystery. Michaels idea seemed to have so much potential with the different shots he could get. He explain how it would be a story on car racing and how they’re would be clips of him repairing a car underneath the vehicle as he has a car lift. This could have potential to really cool shots under the car or from above like a clip of him sliding out from underneath the car after repairing it.
Michael want to to be wearing a car repair outfit when fixing the car.
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