My approach…!
Hi my name is Camila Grisales and this is where ill be posting all my blogs that correlate with my Portfolio project. I have a number of blogs way ahead of me and I know these blogs will help me create bigger ideas and keep me in track for this project. Although this project is worrying i know that the outcome is gonna be great and the path to the ends is going to be absolutely great!
I’ve learned several different kinds of approaches for a film opening and took notes in my class about the different approaches. I really want my film opening to be understood and not confusing. I want things to be comprehéndanle in the first 30 seconds and i want it to be attention grabbing. I want to develop contend immediately when it starts and make sure the genre or type of film opening it is gets understood. I want to make sure the sounds, lighting, shots, mood, and image is all fitting together and able to be recognize its genre. I also really really want to make sure all characters in my film opening are acknowledged and known.
I want my characters to be remembered and seen as realistic and true not an actor. Developing character is really important in order to understand the feel of the film and with the mix of developing character and developing context both work great together in order to achieve this goal i have.
Im sure with lots of practice, thought, motivation and inspiration, i will make a great film opening with the rest of my group!
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